Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 2: Why?

OK, the first obvious question would be why? Why do this? Why scarfs? Why not just donate to your favorite charity? Etc...

In short, I am tired of all of the negativity around me. I live in the DC metro, which is not known for its warmth. All around me I see negativity. People in the store with their mind set on their own little world. I see people who don't say excuse me to their fellow person when they knock into them. They just glare. I see people who don't say please, thank you, or even a simple hi. I see people who couldn't care less for another person.

And, I see myself falling into that trap. U
sually, I can tell if someone is new to the area. They are a little too chatty, they will say hi, they will even stop to listen to you respond to a questions they asked of you.

It struck me.

Why do I notice this? Because it struck me raw, the impersonal way I had learn to shut out my fellow individual. I noticed that I stopped saying excuse me when I scrapped by another person in a store. I am ashamed. Why? Because I feel that copying these ill manners poison me. I am becoming one of them. Yes, while my excuse me or thank you may be lost on the other person, it is still a symbol to myself that I do still care about other people.

And, that is what this is about. I don't want to be a person of negativity. I want to feel for others. If I can just give to another person and make their day a little better that makes it a little better for both of us.

Don't stop caring.


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