Friday, October 30, 2009

Scarf 1: Photo

This is a photo of scarf 1. This lovely bear has been so kind as to model it for us. It is a tube scarf made with blue and black wave style yarn.

More pictures to come!

Scarf on!


Day 9 and Scarf #5

Halloween is almost here! I've been busy working on prep for tomorrow night. Got to get the treat bags and decorations ready. I am not sure how many kids will end up on our door, but 60 early recipients will receive a nice treat bag.

I am on scarf #5.

Scarf on!


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Day 8: First Week Results!

Well, I made it through week 1. Yea! And, I completed scarf #4 last night. Double yea!

The results so far:

Scarves finished: 4
Scarves to go: 21
Hats finished:0

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Problem for Operation SnuggleWarmth

I have discovered one problem to Operation SnuggleWarmth: a hungry kitty.

My dear Dima, my little Dmitry, is on a diet. I adopted him from a rescue in May and managed to put 3 pounds of extra weight on him in just 5 months! This brings kitty to 15.9 pounds. Oh no! Kitty needs to go on a diet, the vet said, earlier this month.

A starving kitty is a great obstacle to typing on the computer. Just as I was thanking one person for the yarn she had given me, a persistent kitty kept meowing and chewing on packing tape! Not good. I put him in my lap as I typed and he proceeded to lick my typing hands! A distraction indeed!

Poor Dima is convinced the reduction in food will result in his turning into a huge orange puffball.

Silly kitty.

Scarf on!

Scarves finished: 3
Scarves to go: 22
Hats finished:0

Day 6: Scarf #4 and a Charitable Cause

I am on scarf #4 today. I am feeling pretty good. Thursday marks the first week and I am on track to finish #4. It has been a good start.

Oh, and the great news is that I found another charity to which I can donate! I have been a member of Paperback Swap for a while now. It is a great place to swap the used books you no longer want for those that you do. It is also great to meet friends. Recently, 2 members of PBS were generous enough to give me some yarn through a RAOK (random act of kindness) post that I made. There is a monthly post for these RAOK. Thank you, ladies. The yarn will go to good use in this adventure. The first scarf was knitted from this donated yarn. I also came to learn of a charity in NY which may benefit from my scarfs through a member. I plan to distribute my scarfs through a few charities, so this was of great help!

More on charities later. Scarf on!

Scarves finished: 3
Scarves to go: 22
Hats finished:0

Day 7:

I am working on scarf #4. I will try to get some photos posted so you can see what I have so far. Thank you, everyone, for the encouragement!

If you work for a charitable organization that clothes the needy, feel free to drop me a line. I have a couple of charities in mind for the operation so far, but I can also add more. I should have enough scarfs to send to a few!

Scarf on!


Monday, October 26, 2009

Day 5:

Well, 2 scarfs in so far. I started my third today. I will be posting pictures soon of the scarfs for everyone to see. I plan on making many different types.

Scarf on!


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day 4: It's Sunday

Taking it a bit easy today. I am still knitting though! Finished another one!

Scarves finished: 2
Scarves to go: 23
Hats finished:0

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day 3: First Scarf Finished

Just a brief post today. Last night I completed the first scarf and I am about 1/5 into the second scarf. Everything is in full swing!

Scarves finished: 1
Scarves to go: 24
Hats finished:0

Friday, October 23, 2009

First Scarf

I am finishing my first scarf for the operation. It is about 60% done now. It should be completed by my next post.

Scarves finished: 0
Scarves to go: 25
Hats finished:0


Why Scarves?

Why scarves ( or scarfs, your preference of spelling) Why not just donate money to your favorite charity?

Because I wanted to give something of myself to benefit others. Small amounts of money are easy to give. Give a little to the coin pot and you feel good for the rest of the day, eh? Not to discourage monetary giving, because if you can donate money, please do so. What I want to do is different. I want to fulfill a need by doing what I love. Every season (in areas where it gets cold) there is a need for warm clothes, coats, hats, gloves and, yes, scarves. If I can do just this little thing to help someone be warm this season, wouldn't that be great? It costs me just a little in money and a little in time. For $3 bucks and my time, I can often produce a scarf and a hat. Not bad for a $3 donation.

There are many ways to give something of yourself to benefit others. You can work at a soup kitchen, you can donate your time at a women's shelter. This is just my choice. Feel free to chose your own.


Day 2: Why?

OK, the first obvious question would be why? Why do this? Why scarfs? Why not just donate to your favorite charity? Etc...

In short, I am tired of all of the negativity around me. I live in the DC metro, which is not known for its warmth. All around me I see negativity. People in the store with their mind set on their own little world. I see people who don't say excuse me to their fellow person when they knock into them. They just glare. I see people who don't say please, thank you, or even a simple hi. I see people who couldn't care less for another person.

And, I see myself falling into that trap. U
sually, I can tell if someone is new to the area. They are a little too chatty, they will say hi, they will even stop to listen to you respond to a questions they asked of you.

It struck me.

Why do I notice this? Because it struck me raw, the impersonal way I had learn to shut out my fellow individual. I noticed that I stopped saying excuse me when I scrapped by another person in a store. I am ashamed. Why? Because I feel that copying these ill manners poison me. I am becoming one of them. Yes, while my excuse me or thank you may be lost on the other person, it is still a symbol to myself that I do still care about other people.

And, that is what this is about. I don't want to be a person of negativity. I want to feel for others. If I can just give to another person and make their day a little better that makes it a little better for both of us.

Don't stop caring.


Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Beginning

Welcome to Operation SuggleWarmth!

Bringing a nickel's worth of karma back to the world one scarf at a time.

I've started this blog because I had a crazy idea. I wanted to make a small difference in the world. One often hears that it takes just one person to change the world, right? Well, OK, my plan is not of that grand of a scale. However, I hope that it will make a tiny impact on the world, if only for a handful of people.

My weapon of impact: hand-knitted items, namely scarfs, and maybe some hats for the winter season for those who need them.

My tools: my Knifty Knitters, loom pick, loom needle, crochet hook and, of course, tons of yarn.

My goal: 25 hand-knitted items donated by 12/31/09.

It is my goal to donate more. In fact, I have some in storage already for donation. Those will not be included in the goal count --only new items knitted from 10/22 - 12/31 will be counted.

Am I crazy? Probably. I will post more on the project as I go alone. This blog is a record of my achievements and failures. It will serve for my motivation and accountability.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me.

Yours Truly,
