Sunday, December 4, 2011

Pine Ridge Donation

Hats and glycerin soap donated.  16 hats; 11 soaps:)

Yearly scarf total:74
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):126

Yearly hat total:53
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):+3 - made hat goal!

Yearly blanket total: 0
Soap total: 11

Donation totals:
Total scarves finished/knitted:235
Total scarves donated:140
Total hats donated:60
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Total soap:11

Saturday, November 12, 2011

More Scarves and Hats

Just opened another box of scarves.  Many of these include what I had knitted in the last few months, so of which I knitted en route to Vegas.  The hats were generosity provided by a gal from one of my barter groups, Sue.  Thank you, Sue for all the great hats!

The hat goal is within reach, but unfortunately the scarf goals is far from being realized.  The move has hit SW hard, but I will keep knitting.  Will keep you posted:)

Yearly scarf total:74
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):126

Yearly hat total:37
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):13

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:
Total scarves finished/knitted:235
Total scarves donated:140
Total hats donated:44
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Another reservation mailing

Another box of 11 scarves and 9 hats going to Pine Ridge

Yearly scarf total:57
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):154
Yearly hat total:20
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):39

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:
Total scarves finished/knitted:218
Total scarves donated:140
Total hats donated:44
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pine Ridge Donation

In the mail tomorrow will be a box of 15 scarves and 2 hats for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation:)

Yearly scarf total:46
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):154
Yearly hat total:11
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):39

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished/knitted:207
Total scarves donated:129
Total hats donated:35
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Donation sent

9 hats and 5 scarves are going to the Kiki's Hats project which benefits the needy in MN. First donation of the season. I have a big one I am getting ready for the Pine Ridge reservation in SD. Will post that soon.

Next up

Yearly scarf total:31
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):169
Yearly hat total:9
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):41

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished/knitted:207
Total scarves donated:114
Total hats donated:33
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Whew, I am still settling in my new digs. I can finally post that our move from DC to Vegas is complete. Yes, we finished our cross-country move. As I type this message, I am surrounded by boxes--Ah, moving.

I am still knitting. I inventoried all the scarf and hat boxes before I left. Now, I have to see what I have.

I will be revamping SnuggleWarmth soon!


Friday, July 29, 2011

SnuggleWarmth on Hold

Not that this will come as a surprise as there has been no new posts since April. In short, my family is moving cross-country. I will post a new update when we reach the other side, which should be late Sept. Right now, I am inventorying and packing everything.


Monday, April 18, 2011

New Pics coming/March Totals

Way below normal quota, but I will explain this later.

MARCH scarves finished:3
MARCH scarves to go: no goal posted
MARCH hats finished:0
MARCH hats to go (goal of 0):0

Yearly scarf total:26
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):174
Yearly hat total:0
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):0

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished/knitted:202
Total scarves donated:109
Total hats donated:23
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Feb Stats Final

FEB scarves finished:8
FEB scarves to go (goal of 15):7 - below the line this month :(
FEB hats finished:0
FEB hats to go (goal of 0):0

Yearly scarf total:23
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):177
Yearly hat total:0
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):0

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished/knitted:199
Total scarves donated:109
Total hats donated:23
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Feb stats

Note: The donation stats include another donation box sent at the first of Feb to WI, benefiting schoolchildren in one of the poorest counties in that state.

FEB scarves finished:5
FEB scarves to go (goal of 15):10
FEB hats finished:0
FEB hats to go (goal of 0):0

Yearly scarf total:20
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):180
Yearly hat total:0
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):0

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished/knitted:196
Total scarves donated:109
Total hats donated:23
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 11

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb Goals

FEB scarves finished:0
FEB scarves to go (goal of 15):
FEB hats finished:0
FEB hats to go (goal of 0):0

Sunday, January 30, 2011

January Stats

JAN scarves finished:15
JAN scarves to go (goal of 10):+5 over goal
JAN hats finished:0
JAN hats to go (goal of 0):0

Yearly scarf total:15
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):185
Yearly hat total:0
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):0

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves finished knitted:191
Total scarves donated:101
Total hats donated:22
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 10

Retro Post: October Scarves

Monday, January 24, 2011

Jan Stats

JAN scarves finished:7
JAN scarves to go (goal of 10):3
JAN hats finished:0
JAN hats to go (goal of 0):0

Yearly scarf total:7
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 200):193
Yearly hat total:0
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):0

Yearly blanket total: 0

Donation totals:

Total scarves knitted:173
Total scarves donated:101
Total hats donated:22
Total blankets donated: 2
Total gloves donated: 10

Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 Goals

OK, I took some much needed time off, but now it is time to get back to work. I thought long and hard about what goals I would like to make for SnuggleWarmth this year. Some factors I needed to include in the planning before I decided the yearly goals.

I *may* be moving this year. Not sure if, when or where, but this may happen, which will definitely affect SW's goals. The smallest move will be probably at least 1,000 miles to more than 5,000. Yes, 5,000 miles.

My commitments: I work full time and I attend graduate school half-time. It goes without say, both take a lot of time.

My hands: some times the quota and my hands are not in agreement. Knit-stress hands.

Taking these major things into the decision making process, I have opened myself up to plush/fleece scarves in addition to hand-knitted ones. One, I can make the fleece scarves in a variety of colors, including more masculine colors. Two, they would allow me to help with the quota without additional stress to my hands. I can also--in the event of moving--be able to make these in bulk before such move yet keep myself in line for achieving my goals. Also, the point of SW is to provide items to the needy in order for them to keep warm. I see no harm in introducing some fleece scarves to the mix. They are all hand-crafted.

That being said, I would like to accomplish the following goals:
200 scarves
50 hats
??? blankets, possibly some mittens too. The scarves and hats I want to keep the hard goal for. These two goals I would like to meet and exceed.

Wish me luck!

Scarf on!


Friday, January 7, 2011

Retro Post: October Hats

Pink (and purple!) hats anyone?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Retro Post: October Scarves

Photo backlog: some scarves from October

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Winner of the Birthday drawing

...for a free scarf was....Hollie P from IL. Congrats! I hope to have that out to you by the end of the week!


Time off

I am taking the first week off in January. I just went back to work and my grad class will start in a couple of days. Need time to adjust to the new schedule, as well as finalize my new goals for the new year.

Yes, I am continuing to knit. New goals will be posted soon, as well as long awaited pictures!

Knit on!
