Saturday, January 15, 2011

2011 Goals

OK, I took some much needed time off, but now it is time to get back to work. I thought long and hard about what goals I would like to make for SnuggleWarmth this year. Some factors I needed to include in the planning before I decided the yearly goals.

I *may* be moving this year. Not sure if, when or where, but this may happen, which will definitely affect SW's goals. The smallest move will be probably at least 1,000 miles to more than 5,000. Yes, 5,000 miles.

My commitments: I work full time and I attend graduate school half-time. It goes without say, both take a lot of time.

My hands: some times the quota and my hands are not in agreement. Knit-stress hands.

Taking these major things into the decision making process, I have opened myself up to plush/fleece scarves in addition to hand-knitted ones. One, I can make the fleece scarves in a variety of colors, including more masculine colors. Two, they would allow me to help with the quota without additional stress to my hands. I can also--in the event of moving--be able to make these in bulk before such move yet keep myself in line for achieving my goals. Also, the point of SW is to provide items to the needy in order for them to keep warm. I see no harm in introducing some fleece scarves to the mix. They are all hand-crafted.

That being said, I would like to accomplish the following goals:
200 scarves
50 hats
??? blankets, possibly some mittens too. The scarves and hats I want to keep the hard goal for. These two goals I would like to meet and exceed.

Wish me luck!

Scarf on!


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