Thursday, February 4, 2010

SnuggleWarmth's Free Scarf Contest!

SnuggleWarmth's Free Scarf Contest!

***Post your answer in this day's comments to enter***

Since you know SnuggleWarmth's mission statement:
Bringing a nickel's worth of good karma back to the world one scarf at a time. You know that I am dedicated to spreading some good to those who need it, even if it is a simple as a hand-knitted scarf. You know what I do, now I want to know what you do to make a difference to those around you.

So, the question is:
Since this is January, and January is a month to make resolutions for the new year, I pose this question:

What do you can you do this year to make a difference in the lives of others?

It is a simple question. Think about it. Post about it in the comments of this blog and do it!

One lucky person will receive a hand-knitted scarf. The winner's name will be drawn Feb 14th from the names of those who contribute.

Good luck!



  1. I like to pick up items that are on sale and save them to donate to others later. I also crochet various small things to give away. Mostly I like to donate my time by doing various things for various people.

  2. I crochet so give to various charities including our local mitten tree, cancer center, vet center and animal shelter. I also do foster care for an animal rescue.

    I have also donated items to the local library.

    My donations are nothing spectacular- but I know that they are given from the heart.

    twoseagreeneyes from PBS
