Friday, October 23, 2009

Why Scarves?

Why scarves ( or scarfs, your preference of spelling) Why not just donate money to your favorite charity?

Because I wanted to give something of myself to benefit others. Small amounts of money are easy to give. Give a little to the coin pot and you feel good for the rest of the day, eh? Not to discourage monetary giving, because if you can donate money, please do so. What I want to do is different. I want to fulfill a need by doing what I love. Every season (in areas where it gets cold) there is a need for warm clothes, coats, hats, gloves and, yes, scarves. If I can do just this little thing to help someone be warm this season, wouldn't that be great? It costs me just a little in money and a little in time. For $3 bucks and my time, I can often produce a scarf and a hat. Not bad for a $3 donation.

There are many ways to give something of yourself to benefit others. You can work at a soup kitchen, you can donate your time at a women's shelter. This is just my choice. Feel free to chose your own.


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