Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April Scarf #7

This one turned out a bit different than expected. It is made with that black/green shimmer yarn I posted earlier. Makes more of a glam scarf than a heavy duty one.

Monday, April 26, 2010

April Scarf #6

Red Heart blue striped:)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

April Scarf #5

I love this yarn. I believe it is Red Heart. It is from the same line as the recent rainbow scarf I featured here.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

April Scarf #4

I had left over gray, so I made a striped scarf with some Caron pink.

Friday, April 23, 2010

April Scarf #3

Made with Caron's, this is so soft! Lovely gray!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

April Scarf #2

Love this yarn! So colorful and fun!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

April Scarf #1

You can't tell it, but this one is a loosely knitted acrylic blue with a silver thread woven into it.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

April Hat #2

A wee bit funky. This one has green/black shimmer brim with a dusty pink base woven with the brim color. Cuter than expected.

Monday, April 19, 2010

April Hat #1

Fun baby hat. I have fancy shimmer acrylic on the brim with pink and gray woven into the base. Cute

Sunday, April 18, 2010

April Contest!

Thanks for all of the support! I am giving away another alpaca scarf. This one will be one from my spring line, nice and airy for wear with those spring tops. Great complement for the office or for weekend fun. Pictures of this scarf will be posted shortly.

But, wait! I want to make this a bigger contest this month. I would love to get at least 30 people entered into the contest. If I do, I will not only give out an alpaca scarf, but also a fleece throw for those nights by the campfire or that Sunday picnic.

I want to give out both, folks. Please help me get the support. Two prizes for the announcement in May! Wow!

We can do it! Get on your Facebook, Myspace pages. You can get relatives to enter, too. does.

April SnuggleWarmth Contest

That's right! Here another chance for you to win a free scarf or fleece throw!

How do I win? you ask. Well, it is simple. Just follow these three easy steps.

#1 Post an answer to the following questions in the comments field of this post:
It is April and spring is here. What is spring to you? What do you think of when you think of the spring season?

Post your answer in the comments field with your name or member name, so I can identify you if you win:)

#2 Be sure to visit May 1st to see if you are the winner. See your name listed, send me an email with your address for your prize. It is that easy!

Thank you for your support. Good luck!

Scarf on!


April Stats

April scarves finished: 7
April scarves to go (goal of 10):3
April hats finished:2
April hats to go (goal of 7):5

Yearly scarf total:36
Yearly scarves to go (goal of 150):114
Yearly hat total:14
Yearly hats to go (goal of 50):36

Yearly blanket total: 2

Total scarves knitted:70
Total scarves donated:24*
Total hat donated:
Total blankets donated: 2

Goodness! It has been a week since my last post!

Goodness, I am sorry! I am still knitting, but it looks like my graduate classes have cut into my blog time:( I have tons of new photos to post, not to mention updates.

Please forgive!


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Photo: March hat #5

Baby hat with soft, muted purple in the brim and purple and celery woven into the base of the hat. Cute

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Photo: March Hat #4

Another baby hat with a different rainbow yarn.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Photo: March Hat #3

Baby hat in lilac acrylic.

Scarf on!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Photo: March Hat #2

A little baby hat, made with rainbow acrylic. I needed to make more baby hats and this one is so cute. Love the yarn!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Photo: March Scarf #11

A little bit funky, this one combines the leftover celery with some purple for some funk!

Scarf on!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Photo: March Scarf #10

Celery in acrylic - nice waves in this one!

Monday, April 5, 2010

April Contest

Thanks for all of the support! I am giving away another alpaca scarf. This one will be one from my spring line, nice and airy for wear with those spring tops. Great complement for the office or for weekend fun. Pictures of this scarf will be posted shortly.

But, wait! I want to make this a bigger contest this month. I would love to get at least 30 people entered into the contest. If I do, I will not only give out an alpaca scarf, but also a fleece throw for those nights by the campfire or that Sunday picnic.

I want to give out both, folks. Please help me get the support. Two prizes for the announcement in May! Wow!

We can do it! Get on your Facebook, Myspace pages. You can get relatives to enter, too. does.

April SnuggleWarmth Contest

That's right! Here another chance for you to win a free scarf or fleece throw!

How do I win? you ask. Well, it is simple. Just follow these three easy steps.

#1 Post an answer to the following questions in the comments field of this post:
It is April and spring is here. What is spring to you? What do you think of when you think of the spring season?

Post your answer in the comments field with your name or member name, so I can identify you if you win:)

#2 Be sure to visit May 1st to see if you are the winner. See your name listed, send me an email with your address for your prize. It is that easy!

Thank you for your support. Good luck!

Scarf on!


Photo: March Scarf #9

Spring pink - a perfect spring blush in acrylic!


Friday, April 2, 2010

Charity Blanket Donation

Today, I will shipping off the following baby blanket for a Navy/Marine charity. Made from a knitted block style with block fringe. A lot of effort, but didn't turn out that bad!

Scarf on!


April Goals To Meet

April Showers bring May flowers, but will they help me meet my knitting goals. We will see. Here are the goals to meet and beat for April:)

10 scarves and 7 hats. Scarf on!
April scarves finished: 0
April scarves to go (goal of 10):0
April hats finished:0
April hats to go (goal of 7):0


Thursday, April 1, 2010

April SnuggleWarmth Contest.

Thanks for all of the support! I am giving away another alpaca scarf. This one will be one from my spring line, nice and airy for wear with those spring tops. Great complement for the office or for weekend fun. Pictures of this scarf will be posted shortly.

But, wait! I want to make this a bigger contest this month. I would love to get at least 30 people entered into the contest. If I do, I will not only give out an alpaca scarf, but also a fleece throw for those nights by the campfire or that Sunday picnic.

I want to give out both, folks. Please help me get the support. Two prizes for the announcement in May! Wow!

We can do it! Get on your Facebook, Myspace pages. You can get relatives to enter, too. does.

April SnuggleWarmth Contest

That's right! Here another chance for you to win a free scarf or fleece throw!

How do I win? you ask. Well, it is simple. Just follow these three easy steps.

#1 Post an answer to the following questions in the comments field of this post:
It is April and spring is here. What is spring to you? What do you think of when you think of the spring season?

Post your answer in the comments field with your name or member name, so I can identify you if you win:)

#2 Be sure to visit May 1st to see if you are the winner. See your name listed, send me an email with your address for your prize. It is that easy!

Thank you for your support. Good luck!

Scarf on!


We have a winner! SnuggleWarmth March Contest!

I had 15 people enter (1 anonymous). Thank you so much! That is a great improvement over last month (4). Thank you so much for the support! I will be posting another great contest shortly. Thank you for the support, and please, continue to visit the sponsors. Every little bit helps the site. Thank you!

Now, for the important matter at hand...

The winner and her winning entry, chosen by randomizer.org

Nancy L (from WUAS group) said...

I always wear green for St. Patty's, but usually only as an accent. (I don't want to get pinched! lol) I'll probably wear a green pin or something green in my hair.

Congratulations Nancy! Please email me at jennsmithak @ gmail.com

Thank you all for entering!
